SustainEverse is a first of its kind Sustainability Networking
platform that uses expertise in both sustainability and
technology to power societal change. SocioLadder joins
hands with Global Compact Network India (GCNI) to drive
inclusivity in society and hardwire sustainability into all the
key facets of global development.
SustainEverse provides the critical platform for all the sustainability
sector stakeholders to showcase their inspiring work towards
achieving the 2030 vision for SDGs. SustainEverse is a Unified
Platform with only one Mission - to empower the global coalition of
Sustainability participants to deliver actionable, verifiable and
measurable momentum to achieve the UN's Sustainable
Development Goals by 2030.
The mission is to get more like-minded people together, working with an unwavering focus towards a social order where equality is of paramount importance. Sustaineverse believes that it is only through connections and collaborations that we can build the new world we envision. In this vital mission, every stakeholder is important. Corporates, Foundations, Not-for-Profits, Consulting Agencies, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Students and just about anyone and everyone in the sustainability space will benefit from being a part of the Sustaineverse ecosystem.
SustainEverse presents to its registered stakeholders an unmatched opportunity to connect with each other and provides a pool of rich resources - from Impact investors, CSR departments, co-funders and grassroot level Implementation partners. The canvas also extends to inter-governmental institutions, Aid agencies, Financial institutions, Independent Monitoring & Evaluation agencies, and Development Sector Professionals.
The platform offers a completely customized experience for different
user categories. The experience is intuitive and intelligently adapts to
every user type. Irrespective of who you are, being a part of
Sustaineverse offers you a suite of comprehensive and robust
benefits. These would include: